Can't do creepy.
Love gothic horror. Really do. Just have a threshold, which was exceeded by what should have been an excellent film. And if creepy does it for ya, "Crimson Peak" is the berries, as Bob Fosse liked to say.
To the legit observations.
Tom Hiddleston, Mia Wasikowska, and Jessica Chastain are astounding. Really. Their respective performances are worthy of induction into the Mary Shelley Hall of Fame. The always excellent Charlie Hunnam plays a Belle Epoque ophthalmologist, and Burn Gorman is his usual seedy self as a private investigator looking to sidetrack the film by getting the skinny on the, ahem, creepy brother and sister combo of Hiddleston (Sir Thomas Sharpe) and Chastain (Lady Lucille). He does, but after delivering it to Wasikowska's (Edith Cushing) father, the old geezer is killed when his head accidentally hits a porcelain bathroom sink.
Accidentally about six times.
This all leads Edith, for reasons only known only to hormones, to marry Sir Thomas, and be whisked off to an actual crimson peak. A dilapidated Downton Abbey with a insidious, uh, creep of red clay into the manse.
Oddly, despite visitations by the ghost of her long-dead mother; warnings to stay away from crimson peak; and an obvious just-on-the-wrong-side of incestuous relationship between brother and sister, Edith STAYS in the mansion and makes the best of a just God-awful situation.
Hope the non-existent sex between the two is good.
Stopped watching when the lack of consummation, and the obvious set-up of Edith accelerated into a sense of preposterousness.
If a positive review is necessary, the significant other deemed it excellent. She does like creepy.