A dinner date with significant other, and good friend Vickie Jones, at Mike Trenk's outstanding 18th and 21st Amendment themed restaurant, provided a bonus beyond the outstanding food, ambience, and service.
Michael Hunter, the transcendent new Millennium version of the One Man Band.
He opened playing a plugged-in violin, the execution of which would have given Jethro Tull (A tip o' the Tam O'Shanter to Ian Anderson) and Jefferson Starship (Thank you, Marty Balin) a contest for the top of the podium. Anyone in the restaurant sipping a fab depression era cocktail, or sampling the wonderful food menu stopped what they were doing and listened.
Yes, in a trendy upper west side restaurant, the customers actually ceased eating and drinking!
And took in the music.
Tipped the artist.
His playlist displayed virtuosic keyboard work, electric guitar (acoustic as well from what I heard), and a foot pedal programming capability that challenged Cole Porter for speed and capability.
Would like to encourage my readers to please visit Mike's website, AND to patronize his performances wherever you find him.
The significant other and I will be back to Prohibition, Mike plays there every Tuesday evening, and other venues where this talented musician performs.
I suggest you do the same.