This is a first. Cannot remember one series in all the history of streaming where seven of eight episodes were watched, and the finale sits in the queue waiting for viewing. Rabbit Hole has a place next to number one.
Yes, could care less about the denouement of the Kiefer Sutherland vehicle.
Briefly, very briefly, the Byzantine plot lays out like a unsolvable children's maze puzzle.
- Sutherland is John Weir, a financial markets manipulator.
- Meta Golding is Hannah Winton, bar skank who lies about her job, continually.
- Charles Dance is Dr. Ben Wilson, Kiefer's Dad, or is he?
- Enid Graham is Jo, the obligatory married Lesbian.
- Robert Yang is Edward Homm, the only interesting character.
Throw in the two crypt-keepers, Peter Weller and Lance Henriksen, and PRESTO! instant utter confusion, and unlike other series, resolution, at least partial, does not appear to be on the proverbial horizon in Episode 8.
Kiefer is on the run. The government is after him in the form of Lieutenant Jo, who continues to remind us she is a married Lesbian by trotting out her mantle piece daughter and arguing with her significant other on the cell phone. She never seems to get around to dealing with any actual crimes, but that's not her job on this show.
During his weak Hitchcockian "Wrong Man" trek, Sutherland picks up Edward Homm, a U.S. Treasury bureaucrat; discovers his father did commit suicide, or not;
and witnesses his best friend back flip from the 35th floor of an office building, or not.
Sutherland also has Peter Weller on his tail. Weller, plays the scar-faced bad guy on the show, and makes several unsuccessful attempts to turn Kiefer into a candidate for cremation for reasons known only to the show runner. At one point in his insomnia cure, found myself rooting for Weller.
By the time Episode 7 hit the final seconds, and the hope for the countdown from "24" faded again, the math hit more than five hours of my life that I'd never get back.
And that's the best thing said about Rabbit Hole.
Paramount Plus