Oy vey. It’s the end of March, and NYC is still acting like it’s the 13th century and the Black Plague is running through the population of Manhattan doyennes and illegal aliens.
Wouldn’t have to leave on the 28th of March, but we’re moving from one Upper West Side apartment to another. Have to be out of our place by end of day, March 31st. Will stop in Fayetteville, South Carolina for one night. Then onto Alexandria, Virginia. Should be back late on the 30th, which gives me two nights to schlep some of our more valuable items over to the new rental.
Bid Rich, our landlord, goodbye, and said we’d be back. Packed up as much as the SUV would take, plus the two mutts and drove away.
And I will be back.
The euphoria from a month in Florida evaporated in less than twelve hours.
The second day of the journey north, the dogs and I drove to Georgetown and stopped for a night. As can be seen by the photo, Georgetown is a charming colonial town, full of money, entitlement, and Liberals, which is the second worst thing to be full of.
The next morning, before leaving, I strolled through the lobby just back from trying to find some place that would serve breakfast without forcing a HazMat suit on me. I got to the elevator and heard, “Sir, you’ll have to put your mask on.”
Something snapped. I turned around.
“I’ve been vaccinated fully. I’ve had Covid and have the antibodies test to prove it. I’m the safest person in this lobby, and I’m checking out.”
I got in the elevator and returned to my room; gathered the luggage and dogs; and left. There comes a time when you have to decide what you are no longer going to accept.
If it had escalated, I’m not sure I would have pulled my Bazooka Joe Bandana up over my face, but it did not come to that.
New York is just going to suck.
Wish me luck.