Siesta Key has now been made whole.
Picked up Significant Other at the Sarasota Airport, all of ten miles from Siesta Key. Reminded me of the old Burbank AP. Two small terminals. Easy access from main roads and side streets. Simple directions to pick up and drop off.
Everything a small town airport should be.
Returned to Tropical Hideaway, ready to head into Siesta Key Village for a drink and something to eat.
We were in for a pleasant shock.
Walked into “The Hub,” the local Mexican bar and restaurant, and when people say, “Damn, that place was packed!”, The Hub is to what they are referring. Every table was full. Florida’s idea of social distancing is to get as close as you possibly can to a complete stranger, even to the point of annoyance.
Okay, not that close.
But the place was, ahem, packed!
I counted a total of six masks, all on employees, and the place had at least 20 between the bartenders, wait staff, and busboys. Didn’t get a chance to poke around the kitchen, so I can’t vouch if they were wearing the virtue-signaling bumper stickers.
People laughed. Glasses and flatware hit the floor. Pushy customers tried to make a case for the next table that opened up. Everything that New York felt like on a casual night out was here, and no one stole a glance at a nearby patron as if to suggest they were part of a grand conspiracy super spreader event.
It was, as we used to say before the Covid Police arrived in New York, “A night out.”