Zeppo Marx, our 15 year-old wonder dog. He'll be missed.
Zeppo Marx, the fourth Marx Brother left the act in 1934. Today, our Zeppo Marx, the 15 year old wonder dog who has been with us from California to New York to Connecticut to Delaware to New Jersey and now Colorado, has passed away.
Since I never planned on writing this diary past the 15 Day Initiative to Hashtag Flatten The Curve, an endpoint in this bureaucratic power grab would have to be chosen by Yours truly.
I pick the passing of my golden retriever, Zeppo.
Have now lost four dogs in 25 years. I'm a masochist. I'll soon have another one to keep Mister Moose company. It's not fair to a dog to leave them at home without a companion. Been raising two dogs at a time for a quarter century. They've all been grand, and I look forward to the next bundle of personality and trouble.
What made this difficult, okay more difficult, is the inability to call anywhere in America, home. Don't have one. New York City had just become home when Woodstock Bill de Blasio and Sonny "The Ventilator" Cuomo decided to muck it up; kill a lot of its elderly citizens; and then sit back and blame Whitey.
Whitey, of course, pays confiscatory taxes to keep NYC afloat. Whitey (Myself among them) fled, and taken their tax dollars and discretionary spending with them.
I understand The Moronic Left wishes to dispense with Donald Trump, and having been unable to do it at the ballot box undertook several preposterous moves over the last four years to do so.
They all failed.
I won't belabor once again the ineptness and fascistic restrictions put in place by the unimaginative Mayors and Governors of cities and states. Suffice it to say they have ruined wonderful places and are now killing more people than the virus.
Thanks for that.
And thanks for not letting me mourn the passing of my four-legged best friend at home.
Appreciate you selfish fuckers deciding that killing a few hundred thousand citizens and ruining the lives of millions was worth it in order for y’all to have a prayer in November.
You will get yours.
Zeppo left us this evening at 7:45pm Mountain Time. He will be missed. Mister Moose is laying on the couch convincing me that dogs do indeed grieve. I am not sure how good he's going to be on his own. I'll find out.
He won't be alone for long.
I promise.