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THE HILARIOUS COVID-19 PANDEMIC - Want to Fuck Up your State? Elect the Left!



What’s it going to take to eliminate the blight known as California?

Bad enough the jackasses from the Canadian border to Baja have fucked up homelessness, the environment, their respective state governments, and anything else they touch.

     But now?

     Smoke from wildfires, caused by the ineptness of the environmentalist Nazis, has now made it all the way across the United States.

     In Colorado a freak snowstorm cleared out the state's wildfires, along with the smoke they caused. California, Oregon, and Washington, not content with turning their own skies orange and choking their own residents have inflicted their forest management STUPIDITY on the rest of us.

     As an allegory, should you want to invite the rest of the dopiness these three states inflict upon themselves, make sure you continue to vote for power mad doofuses like Vaudeville Joe Biden, Woodstock Bill de Blasio, and Sonny "The Ventilator" Cuomo.

     Because if you do, lung-damaging smoke in the air will be at the bottom of the list of "Things The Left Destroys."

    And, much as I'll miss the stupidest, and most stoned mayor in the history of the United States, we have been offered an opportunity to stay in Boulder to finish the disappointing year of 2020. The significant other's company is currently looking for a residence for us through the Holiday Season.

     While I'll also miss walking through the Upper West Side, mask shoved in a pocket while the virtue signaling Liberals stalk by me behind their fashionable face coverings, I'll try to make due wondering what the blond coeds look like without their N95s . . . and their clothes.

     There will be the occasional visit to Manhattan. I'll arrive. Listen to de Blasio as the goons in Teachers Union strong arm him into ruining the childhoods of so many empty-headed eight-year olds. And thank God I'm in Boulder.

     Rudy Giuliani. Where are you?

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